بلاستيك - ABS

وصف المادة


ABS Regrind - Jazz

عدد الحمولات


متوسط الوزن لكل حمولة

25 طن متري

الكمية المتوفرة

300 طن متري

الأحمال المتبقية


موقع المادة


Material Specification
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FANLIN recycles long-term production of high-quality ABS PS PP Fanlin Plastic Recycling Company is located in Lugoj, Romania. We specialize in plastic recycling and plastic compounds. We can supply 800 tons of stable quality ABS PS PP recycled pellets per month and provide customized materials. Our materials allow you to produce better quality, lower cost products. We would like to be your supplier with stable quality and quantity, always have materials in stock, able to deliver fast and on time, provide free samples and technical support.