Последни новини

Замърсяване с пластмаса

New Study Uncovers Global Plastic Pollution Hotspots and the Path to Sustainability

A recent study published in Nature has provided a first-of-its-kind global inventory of macroplastic pollution, offering a much-needed foundation for international discussions on plastic waste. The research, conducted by Joshua Cottom, Ed Cook, and Costas Velis from the University of Leeds, reveals that approximately 52.1 million tonnes of plastic waste…

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Неуспех на сектора на отпадъците в Обединеното кралство

Секторът на отпадъците в Обединеното кралство не постига целите си: Предизвикателства и пътища за постигане на напредък

The Climate Change Committee (CCC) has issued a stark warning: the UK’s waste sector is significantly off course in its efforts to meet the 2030 climate targets. Despite some progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions since 1990, the sector remains a critical weak point in the nation’s broader climate strategy.…

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Стратегия за ресурсите и отпадъците

Неизпълнение на стратегията за ресурсите и отпадъците

In December 2018, the UK Government launched the Resources and Waste Strategy (RWS), an ambitious plan aimed at transforming the way resources and waste are managed across England. The strategy was part of a broader push towards a circular economy, a model that seeks to minimise waste and make the…

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Борба с измамите при износ на отпадъци: Как WasteTrade осигурява законно, рентабилно и устойчиво управление на отпадъците

In recent years, the waste export industry has faced significant challenges due to an alarming increase in fraudulent activities. The Environment Agency (EA) has reported a rise in the scale and complexity of such fraud, which poses severe economic and environmental threats. As these illegal practices persist, the need for…

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WasteTrade Logistics

Опростяване на транспорта с цялостната логистична платформа на WasteTrade

In the waste and recycling industry, managing logistics can be complex and time-consuming. WasteTrade’s comprehensive logistics platform is designed to simplify your transport operations, ensuring efficiency, compliance, and cost-effectiveness. Here’s how our platform can make your life easier. Understanding Your Needs with WasteTrade One of the most crucial steps in…

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Need For A Circular Economy

Championing the Circular Economy: How Effective Waste Management Can Protect Our Aquatic Environments | Study

As the world grapples with an ever-growing waste crisis, the need for circular waste management practices has never been more urgent. The study “The Crucial Role of Circular Waste Management Systems in Cutting Waste Leakage into Aquatic Environments” by Gómez-Sanabria, A., and Lindl, F., published in Nature Communications, sheds light…

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Scotland Circular Economy Bill

Scottish Parliament Passes Landmark Circular Economy Bill

A Turning Point for Scotland The Scottish Parliament has made a significant stride towards sustainability by passing the Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill unanimously on 26 June 2024. This groundbreaking legislation, introduced by Gillian Martin, Minister for Climate Action, aims to transform waste management practices across Scotland, promoting a circular economy…

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Поглед назад към PRSE 2024

PRSE Амстердам 2024: Най-добрата година досега

За пореден път WasteTrade участва в изложението Plastics Recycling Show Europe (PRSE) 2024, което се проведе миналата седмица. Тази година участвахме за трети път в събитието и то беше определено най-доброто ни представяне досега. През последните две години WasteTrade отбеляза значителен ръст; това се отрази и на нашите...

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PRSE 2024 Една седмица до началото

WasteTrade на PRSE Амстердам 2024: Остава само една седмица!

Обратното броене продължава! WasteTrade с радост съобщава, че до PRSE Амстердам 2024 остава само една седмица. Събитието ще се проведе на 19-20 юни в изложбения център RAI и ние нямаме търпение да се върнем на изложението за трета година. Присъединете се към нас на PRSE 2024 Тази година...

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