Gestión total de residuos

Gestión total de residuos

Total waste management refers to the comprehensive practice of managing all waste streams generated by a business, from production to disposal, in a sustainable and responsible manner. The primary goals are to minimise landfill waste, boost recycling rates, and foster a circular economy where waste is treated as a valuable resource.

Metals like aluminium, copper, and steel are significant components of business waste streams. These materials can be recycled indefinitely without degrading in quality, making them ideal for a circular economy. Recycling metals conserves natural resources and mitigates the environmental impact of industrial activities.

WasteTrade en línea mercado assists businesses that generate metal waste streams by connecting them with reliable, ethical, and profitable recycling outlets. WasteTrade boasts a global network of verified recyclers, helping to keep materials in circulation within the economy while ensuring businesses receive the best prices for their waste commodities.

Reciclaje de metales y residuos

Metal and waste recycling are crucial aspects of total waste management. Recycling metals not only conserves natural resources and reduces environmental impact but also saves businesses money and generates employment.

The metal recycling process involves several steps: collecting and sorting waste, preparing it for recycling, and reprocessing it. Initially, metal waste is sorted by type and quality, with non-metallic items like paper or rubber removed. The metal is then cleaned, shredded, and melted in a furnace. Impurities are extracted, and the metal is cast into new forms or reprocessed into new products. Recycled metal can be utilised in various applications, from construction to manufacturing.

Beyond metals, other materials such as paper, plastics, and glass can also be recycled. By integrating these recycling efforts into a broader total waste management strategy, businesses can significantly reduce their environmental footprint and contribute to a circular economy. Effective total waste management strategies might include reducing waste generation through more efficient production processes, reusing materials whenever possible, and recycling waste by-products.

Ventajas del reciclado de metales y residuos

Recycling metals and other materials provides numerous benefits to businesses and the environment:

Cost Savings: Recycling metals can lower production costs as recycled metal is cheaper to produce than virgin metal, requiring less time, energy, and labour.

Job Creation: The recycling industry creates jobs and supports the economy. For example, the British Metal Recycling Association notes that the UK’s metal recycling sector employs around 8,000 people and generates an annual turnover of approximately £7 billion.

Environmental Impact Reduction: Recycling reduces landfill waste, conserves natural resources, and mitigates negative environmental effects

Circular Economy Contribution: Recycling supports a circular economy by creating a closed-loop system where waste is repurposed as a valuable resource.

By adopting comprehensive total waste management practices, businesses can play a significant role in promoting sustainability and environmental stewardship while also benefiting economically.

Contribuir a una economía circular: El reciclaje de metales y residuos contribuye a una economía circular al reducir los residuos y crear un sistema de circuito cerrado en el que los residuos se consideran un recurso valioso.


La gestión total de residuos es un aspecto vital de la sostenibilidad y la responsabilidad medioambiental. El reciclado de metales y residuos son componentes esenciales de la gestión total de residuos y ofrecen importantes beneficios a las empresas y al medio ambiente. Adoptando un enfoque de gestión total de residuos, las empresas pueden ahorrar dinero, reducir su impacto ambiental y crear un futuro más sostenible.

Las empresas que producen residuos metálicos pueden utilizar el servicio en línea WasteTrade mercado para encontrar recicladores éticos y plenamente acreditados que les ayuden a convertir sus flujos de residuos en fuentes de ingresos. Todos WasteTrade los usuarios deben pasar por el proceso de verificación antes de que se les conceda el acceso al mercado, lo que le garantiza que sólo tratará con entidades dignas de confianza. WasteTrade también se encarga de toda la logística y genera toda la documentación de cumplimiento para eliminar estas cargas a nuestros usuarios.