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iul. 15, 2024

Promovarea economiei circulare: modul în care gestionarea eficientă a deșeurilor poate proteja mediile noastre acvatice | Studiu

Necesitatea unei economii circulare

As the world grapples with an ever-growing waste crisis, the need for circular waste management practices has never been more urgent. The study “The Crucial Role of Circular Waste Management Systems in Cutting Waste Leakage into Aquatic Environments” by Gómez-Sanabria, A., and Lindl, F., published in Nature Communications, sheds light on the alarming impact of waste leakage on our aquatic ecosystems and underscores the pivotal role of circular waste management in mitigating these effects​​.

Understanding the Global Waste Crisis

The rapid increase in waste generation poses significant threats to the environment, climate, and human health. Currently, a staggering 64% of global municipal solid waste (MSW) is mismanaged, with large portions being open-burned, dumped, or scattered. This mismanaged waste often finds its way into our rivers, lakes, and oceans, causing widespread ecological damage.

Estimates indicate that future global municipal waste generation is expected to increase by anywhere between 20-68% by 2050, depending on socio-economic developments. The composition of waste is becoming increasingly complex, and if waste treatment were to stagnate at current levels, the negative consequences could be exacerbated further.

Key Findings from the Study

Gómez-Sanabria and Lindl identify China, South Asia, Africa, and India as major contributors to waste leakage, collectively accounting for 70% of potential leakage. They project a significant increase in MSW generation by 2040, further exacerbating the environmental crisis if current waste management practices persist. However, they also highlight the transformative potential of circular waste management systems in reducing waste leakage and protecting aquatic environments.

In 2020, it was estimated that 74 million tonnes (Mt) of MSW reached rivers, primarily from urban areas in these regions. The study underscores the urgent need to improve waste management systems to prevent this leakage and protect our aquatic ecosystems.

The Circular Economy as a Solution

Adopting a circular economy approach, which focuses on waste reduction, reuse, and recycling, can significantly mitigate the impact of waste on our ecosystems. The study’s mitigation scenarios demonstrate that with the right policies and practices, waste leakage can be drastically reduced, paving the way for a more sustainable future.

A circular waste management system involves reducing food and plastic waste generation, maximising recycling rates of all MSW streams, and, once recycling capacity is reached, incinerating residual waste with energy recovery. This approach also includes anaerobic digestion for food and garden waste, high diversion of MSW from landfills, and upgrading dumpsites.

The study’s most optimistic scenario shows that with proactive environmental management, scattered MSW could be reduced by 50% in 2025, 73% in 2030, and nearly eliminated by 2040. This highlights the potential of circular waste management systems to significantly cut waste leakage into aquatic environments.

Global and Regional Strategies

International efforts to combat plastic pollution, such as the Basel Convention amendments and various national legislations, aim to control plastic waste. Regional initiatives also play a crucial role. For instance, the EU’s Waste Framework Directive and Japan’s 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) strategy are essential in advancing waste management practices.

Regions like China, South Asia, Africa, and India face specific challenges in implementing effective waste management systems, such as low collection rates, high transportation costs, and lack of diversified MSW technologies. Overcoming these challenges requires substantial human and financial resources, as well as improved cooperation at local, national, and international levels.

Perspectiva WasteTrade

La WasteTrade, we are committed to promoting a circular economy in waste management. Our platform connects sellers, buyers, and hauliers of recyclable materials, facilitating efficient and sustainable waste trading. By supporting the implementation of circular waste management practices, we aim to reduce waste pollution, increase recycling rates, and minimise environmental impact.

WasteTrade’s platform is designed to enhance transparency and efficiency in the waste management sector. By providing a reliable, transparent, globalised marketplace for recyclable waste streams, we help reduce the volume of waste that ends up in landfills and aquatic environments. Our success stories include partnerships that have resulted in significant reductions in waste leakage and improved recycling practices.

Commitment to a Circular Future

The fight against waste leakage requires a collective effort. By adopting circular economy principles and supporting initiatives like WasteTrade, we can protect our aquatic environments and create a more sustainable future for generations to come. The study by Gómez-Sanabria and Lindl underscores the urgent need for comprehensive circular waste management systems, and WasteTrade is proud to be at the forefront of this critical movement.

Together, we can champion the circular economy and ensure that our waste management practices contribute to a healthier planet and a more sustainable future.




The Study


Gómez-Sanabria, A., Lindl, F. The crucial role of circular waste management systems in cutting waste leakage into aquatic environments. Nat Commun 15, 5443 (2024).

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