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Skydda miljön eller göra vinst? En närmare titt på den brittiska regeringens förslag till förändringar av sophämtningen

The UK government will require households to segregate plastic waste by type into different recycling bins to increase recycling rates and reduce plastic waste in landfills and incinerators. Critics have raised concerns about the cost and complexity of the changes, as well as the potential for reduced recycling rates and…

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Nationella karriärveckan | En intervju med Liza Ambat

Liza Ambat is a Web Design and Development Executive here at WasteTrade, and is one of the newest members of the team. She has been with us just over two months and has settled into the team nicely. As it is Careers Week this week, we thought we would sit…

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Nationella karriärveckan | En intervju med Victor Cojocaru

Victor Cojocaru is a Front-End Web Developer at WasteTrade and joined the team recently. Although he has only been here a short time, he has already made a positive impact since joining the team. We thought it would be great to sit down with him during Careers Week to learn…

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Nationella karriärveckan | En intervju med Carla Fuller

Carla Fuller is an Online Support Specialist here at WasteTrade, and having started just under two months ago, she is one of the newest members of the team. With it being careers week, we took the opportunity to speak to Carla and learn more about her professional background, her experience…

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Investering på 77 miljoner GBP i maritim Net Zero Technology | Storbritanniens regering

The UK government has launched a £77 million Zero Emission Vessels and Infrastructure (ZEVI) competition aimed at decarbonising the country’s maritime sector. The funding will take existing green maritime technology from the factory to the sea, identifying which projects will have a long-term impact in reducing emissions. The ZEVI competition…

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plast för engångsbruk

Engångsplasttallrikar och bestick förbjuds i England

Single Use Plastics Single use plastic plates, cutlery and other items are set to be banned in England from October 2023; this action is part of England’s 25 Year Environment Plan (2018), which aims to eliminate all avoidable plastic waste by 2042. According to the Department for Environment, Food and…

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Nyhetsbrev Hero copy

WasteTrade | 2022: En tillbakablick på året

As Christmas and the new year get closer, we have decided to take this opportunity to reflect on 2022 and look back at everything we achieved in our first full year. 2022 is the WasteTrade’s first full calendar year, and to say it has been an eventful one would be…

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Energipriser 2022

Energipriser 2022 | Vad energipriskrisen innebär för återvinning i Storbritannien och Europa

Energiprisökning Det kommer inte som en nyhet för någon att Europa kämpar mot en extrem energiprisökning. Det finns många bidragande faktorer till detta, till exempel den allmänna ekonomiska nedgången som orsakats av COVID-19-utgifterna. Dessutom har kraftgeneratorer som stängdes av under pandemin på grund av minskande...

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Den stora hållbarhetsmässan 2022

WasteTrade är hållbarhetsmästare på den stora hållbarhetsutställningen 2022

Förra veckan, torsdagen den 22 september, ställde WasteTrade ut på The Big Sustainability Expo 2022. Detta evenemang sammanförde ledare inom företags hållbarhet från alla sektorer av ekonomin. Vi hade möjlighet att träffa många olika individer och företag för att diskutera vad vi på WasteTrade, tillsammans med ThinkCarbon, är...

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