Вер 1, 2023
Updates From the World of Recycling | August
WasteTrade Exhibiting at Plast 2023 Next Week In Milan
- WasteTrade is exhibiting at Plast 2023 next week in Milan from 5-8th September.
- Plast 2023 is a trade show for the global plastics industry, showcasing the latest talent and innovation in all areas of plastics; WasteTrade will be exhibiting to make the industry aware of the marketplace and how it can help drive forward the transition to a circular economy.
- All other exhibitors and attendees are encouraged to visit us at our stand (No. B175), or to schedule a 1-2-1 meeting with a WasteTrade representative at the show.
- Click here to schedule a 1-2-1 meeting.
Plastic Packaging Tax Reforms | The Questions we Should be Asking
- The UK’s HMRC introduces a Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) consultation, with industry leaders like Zoe Brimelow from Duo highlighting the role of bio-plastics and the tax’s impact since April 2022.
- Information data shows the UK-unique PPT raised about £260 million in year one, outpacing predictions. Its influence on packaging strategies is pivotal, especially considering the UK’s lack of top-tier recycled plastic pellets.
- Data suggests the PPT may not sufficiently boost demand for recycled plastic packaging, with the UK’s rate at 44.2%, lower than other materials. This points to the need to analyse recycling rates before and after the PPT’s launch.
- Click here to read the full story.
What is Waste? Rethinking Our Waste Definition
- CIWM stresses re-evaluating the current waste definition, which follows the EU’s Waste Framework Directive. Adapting this definition is essential with modern waste management techniques.
- “End of Waste” is vital in determining when materials exit waste regulations and supports the circular economy. However, the UK government shows no signs of adjusting these definitions soon.
- WasteTrade argues that outdated waste definitions restrict sustainable progress. Embracing a circular economy requires viewing materials beyond just disposal, focusing on reuse and repurposing. Aligning definitions and practices can unlock new sustainable business opportunities.
- Click here to read the full story.
August Deals Facilitated by WasteTrade
- During August, WasteTrade facilitated a number of deals for materials between waste producers and recyclers, including the transaction of a load of LDPE lump originating from and shipped within the UK.
- Another notable transaction managed by WasteTrade was the transport of large multiple-load deal of PET lump, sent from Germany to Poland.
- Additionally, WasteTrade oversaw the shipment of a large load of LDPE film originating from the Netherlands to a recycling facility in Romania.
- Click here to view the WasteTrade marketplace.
High-Demand Materials in August on WasteTrade
- During August, the WasteTrade marketplace saw a surge in demand for Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE), Polypropylene (PP), and Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) materials.
- Both established WasteTrade users and new contacts eagerly sought sustainable and profitable solutions for their LDPE, PP, and PET waste streams.
- Concurrently, a significant number of recyclers turned to the WasteTrade platform, underlining an intense need to source these specific materials.
- Click here to view the WasteTrade marketplace.
Career Opportunities with WasteTrade
- WasteTrade is recruiting front-end and back-end web developers to enhance the platform’s functionality and user experience.
- The company is also on the lookout for cybersecurity experts to fortify their systems and ensure user data protection.
- WasteTrade is seeking multilingual support staff, especially those proficient in Arabic, Spanish, and German, to bolster their global user support services.
- Click here to view the WasteTrade vacancies page.
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