Сер 3, 2023
Updates From the World of Recycling | July
Defra’s Newly Released Waste Statistics: A Detailed Analysis
- The UK’s recycling rate slightly improved from 44.4% in 2020 to 44.6% in 2021, but the amount of biodegradable waste sent to landfill increased, and packaging waste recycling remained stagnant at 63.2%.
- Recycling rates varied by material, with paper and cardboard reaching 70.6%, metals at 76%, but plastic lagging behind at 44.2%.
- To achieve the UK’s 65% recycling target by 2035, experts call for clear policies, comprehensive reforms, and stronger waste management strategies from all stakeholders.
- Click here to read the full story.
Staggering £6 Million Investment into Plastics Research
- UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has committed £6m to fund five projects addressing sustainable solutions for plastic waste, aligning with the UK’s net-zero carbon emissions targets.
- The projects focus on various areas such as sustainable systems for disposable hygiene products, circular economy for medical testing plastics, recycling multilayer packaging, efficient breakdown of plastic waste, and conversion of textile waste into recycled plastics.
- While this investment marks a significant stride in environmental conservation, the need for continued funding and research in advanced recycling technologies is crucial for transforming the plastic economy.
- Click here to read the full story.
Charting Course to Greener Waters: A Carbon Tax on Shipping Emissions
- A proposed carbon tax and US subsidies could narrow the cost gap between fossil fuels and sustainable alternatives in shipping.
- Green ammonia and methanol are leading alternatives, with methanol already used in 130 ships.
- Despite costs, proposed taxes and subsidies may make transitioning to green fuels economically feasible.
- Click here to read the full story.
WasteTrade Now Trading Metals
- Expanding its waste management portfolio, WasteTrade has recently started trading metals, adding a new dimension to its previously plastic-focused operations.
- The first listing of metal on the WasteTrade platform was made in July, signalling a broader scope for the company’s recycling efforts.
- The inaugural metal listing is for 100 tonnes of aluminium, a non-ferrous metal, sourced from the UK, providing a new market opportunity for businesses dealing with metal waste.
- Click here to view listing.
July Deals Facilitated by WasteTrade
- WasteTrade successfully facilitated numerous recycling deals in July, with one notable example being the handling of a Polypropylene (PP) load from Lithuania.
- A significant load of Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE) 98.2 film from Poland was another successful transaction managed through the WasteTrade platform.
- Further demonstrating its reach, WasteTrade oversaw the trading and recycling of a considerable load of Polypropylene (PP) from Germany.
- Click here to view the WasteTrade marketplace.
High-Demand Materials in July on WasteTrade
- July saw a significant demand for Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE), Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), and High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) materials on the WasteTrade marketplace.
- This demand was coming from both existing WasteTrade users and new unregistered contacts who are actively seeking sustainable and profitable solutions for their LDPE, PET, and HDPE waste streams.
- Simultaneously, many recyclers are tapping into the WasteTrade platform, signalling a substantial requirement for the supply of these specific materials.
- Click here to view the WasteTrade marketplace.
WasteTrade Attending Plast 2023, Milan, 5-8 September
- WasteTrade will be attending the Plast 2023 trade show in Milan from September 5th to 8th, in conjunction with their partners at Think Carbon, a leading artificial intelligence-based carbon calculation tool.
- The company is eager to engage with both new and existing contacts within the plastics industry, demonstrating its continued commitment to advancing sustainable practices in this sector.
- WasteTrade invites attendees to visit their stand at the show or to arrange a 1-2-1 meeting with a company representative, fostering collaboration and discussions around innovative recycling solutions.
- Click here to book a meeting with WasteTrade.
Career Opportunities with WasteTrade
- WasteTrade is hiring front-end and back-end web developers to contribute to their platform’s functionality and user experience.
- The company is also seeking cyber security professionals to strengthen their systems and safeguard user data.
- WasteTrade is recruiting multilingual user support staff, particularly those fluent in Arabic, Spanish, and German, to improve their global user support service.
- Click here to view the WasteTrade vacancies page.
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