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Сер 24, 2022

WasteTrade Nominated For ‘Waste’ Award | The Big Sustainability Expo 2022

Big Sustainability Expo

Waste Management Company

We are delighted to announce we have been shortlisted as a finalist for the ‘Waste’ Award at this year’s Big Sustainability Expo in St. Mary’s Stadium, Southampton on September 22nd. The waste award we are nominated for is:

“From circular principles applied to design, to projects achieving zero waste and remanufacturing initiatives, rethinking waste is vital. This award is for projects or products that are at the cutting edge of waste innovation.”

We are very excited to be a finalist for this award and we are very grateful to the panel for believing in what we are doing. WasteTrade is absolutely at the cutting edge of innovation in the waste industry, so there could not be a more fitting category for us to be shortlisted in.

We spent two years in development ensuring our website is the most advanced in the space, offering the most reliable and efficient service for our rapidly growing userbase. Since launching this year at the PRSE 2022 Amsterdam show, we have been overwhelmed by how positive the response has been. With new members joining the site every day, WasteTrade is leading the way in the digital waste revolution.

Ethical waste disposal is not an easy or straightforward task; if finding the best end users for your commodities isn’t enough of a challenge, then tackling the many regulatory and logistical obstacles certainly is. However, there are many ways WasteTrade eliminates these barriers, such as by taking the burdens of compliance and transport away from our users and handling them ourselves.

Waste Management Services

As well as this, we help buyers to find the most suitable end users for their materials and sellers to find the supply they need by giving them safe exposure to the global waste industry. All members of WasteTrade are vetted before being admitted to the marketplace, ensuring our service remains secure. This means signing up to WasteTrade gives you direct access to our verified network of buyers and sellers that stretches around the world.

Reduce Carbon Footprint

Not only does WasteTrade serve as a catalyst for the transition to a circular economy by facilitating recycling on a much larger scale, but, to make sure we are as environmentally conscious possible, we have also partnered with ThinkCarbon. ThinkCarbon is an artificial intelligence carbon analysis tool that informs users of the carbon footprint of the decisions they make before they make them. Our users will be able to make their selling and purchasing decisions while being fully informed of the carbon impact their choices will have.

It has been only two months since our launch; in that short time, we have had far more members join our site than we expected to at this point. New users are signing up to WasteTrade on a daily basis and sales of material are going through at a continuously increasing rate.

With this award nomination, we hope even more of the waste industry will learn about WasteTrade and the many benefits we offer. If we were to win, that would just be the icing on the cake!

We would like to thank the panel once again for believing in WasteTrade and for shortlisting us as a finalist for the ‘Waste’ award. We are very excited for The Big Sustainability Expo next month and look forward to seeing everyone face to face.

For those attending the show, you can find us in the Kingsland Suite at Stand No. 81. We look forward to seeing you all there!

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