

WasteTrade 获得 2022 年可持续发展大博览会 "废物 "奖提名

Waste Management Company We are delighted to announce we have been shortlisted as a finalist for the ‘Waste’ Award at this year’s Big Sustainability Expo in St. Mary’s Stadium, Southampton on September 22nd. The waste award we are nominated for is: “From circular principles applied to design, to projects achieving…


WasteTrade 将参加 2022 年南安普顿大型可持续发展博览会。

On September 22nd, 2022, WasteTrade will be attending the Big Sustainability Expo that is taking place at St. Mary’s Stadium in Southampton. This expo is one of the UK’s leading events in corporate sustainability and in the push towards net-zero carbon emissions. Over the years this event has been running…


6 月 22 日 - WasteTrade:阿姆斯特丹 PRSE 2022 启动仪式。

The ever-growing waste crisis has been devastating the natural environment across the globe for decades. The waste industry has been struggling for a long time, failing to sustainably process anywhere near the amount of waste we produce. Compliance and regulation issues, coordinating transport and the lack of clarity around the…


2030 年议程

Sustainability Agenda What is the 2030 Agenda? The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals set out by the United Nations at the Sustainable Development summit, held in September 2015. The agenda was designed to bring about a more sustainable future for the entire…



ThinkCarbon is a new project tasked with combatting the excessive levels of carbon emissions being produced around the world. Owing to decades of over-consumption, we are facing a climate catastrophe. However, it is not too late for us to make the important changes we need to make for the sake…



WasteTrade is a new tech company looking to make a global impact on the world’s waste and sustainability industries. We offer meaningful career opportunities to individuals ideally suited to helping us achieve this. We want to work alongside people who share our beliefs and are excited to get involved in…



Owing to decades of over-production and over-consumption around the world, we are facing a climate catastrophe. Globally, we produce over 2 billion tonnes of waste every year; that number is forecast to increase to 3.4 billion tonnes by 2050. Billions of tonnes of waste every year are handled in ways…
