2023 年塑料包装税 英国税务海关总署 (HMRC) 就未来塑料包装税 (PPT) 展开了新一轮咨询,为行业专业人士提供了一个发表见解的新机会。著名包装制造商 Duo 公司的董事 Zoe Brimelow......
英国环境部最新发布的废物统计数据:详细分析 英国的回收率略有提高,从 2020 年的 44.4% 提高到 2021 年的 44.6%,但送往垃圾填埋场的可生物降解废物数量有所增加,包装废物回收率仍停留在 63.2%。不同材料的回收率各不相同,纸张和纸板的回收率达到...
更多信息600 万英镑巨资投入塑料研究
600 万英镑资助塑料可持续发展研究 英国研究与创新机构(UKRI)是英国著名的国家资助机构,该机构为五个独特的可持续塑料项目提供了 600 万英镑的巨额资助,从而在环境保护方面取得了重大进展。此举是英国为实现可持续发展的未来而开展的更广泛活动的一部分...
英国环境、食品和农村事务部(Defra)最近公布了 2021 年全国废物统计数据,对全国各地的回收工作进行了重点关注。数据显示了一些地区的细微改善、停滞不前,而另一些地区则继续令人担忧。然而,行业专家和利益相关者坚持认为...
更多信息英国企业社会责任 | 为何您的企业应该接受企业社会责任
The term ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ (CSR) refers to business practices that help companies be socially accountable—to themselves, their stakeholders, their clients, and the public. In the current business environment, CSR is no longer a luxury but a necessity; it is the cornerstone upon which forward-thinking businesses build their reputations and…
更多信息WasteTrade 推出改进后的新废物市场
The New Marketplace WasteTrade is thrilled to announce the launch of our new and improved marketplace this week. With a strong focus on enhancing the user experience, streamlining navigation, and increasing the efficiency of the recycling process, WasteTrade is positioned to revolutionise the way waste commodities are traded. New Layout…
更多信息塑料污染正在破坏环境 | WasteTrade致力于保护海洋和景观
As World Environment Day and World Oceans Day are both this week, 5th June and 8th June respectively, we at WasteTrade would like to take this as an opportunity to highlight the urgency surrounding the plastic pollution crisis and the devastating effects it is having on our oceans and our…
更多信息英格兰禁止一次性塑料制品 | 英国环境部发布指南
Single-Use Plastic Ban The United Kingdom’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has recently made public its advisory on the impending ban of single-use plastics across England, set to come into effect from the 1st of October, 2023. On the 14th of January, Thérèse Coffey, the Environment Secretary,…
更多信息绿色未来路线图:到 2040 年减少塑料污染 80% 的联合国战略
UN Plan to Tackle Plastic Waste The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the environmental arm of the United Nations headquartered in Kenya, published a detailed plan on Monday aiming to diminish plastic waste by a staggering 80% by the year 2040. According to the report, the proposed reduction in plastic…